Natura Clean


  • Significant expansion of the root system and greater nutritional efficiency: BIOSTIMULATING ACTION
  • Regulator and balancer of plant growth (roots, shoots, fruit)
  • Increased photosynthetic activity and cellular respiration: BIOSTIMULATING ACTION
  • Stimulation of resumption of growth after frost or other adverse weather events


  • Potassium-based soap derived completely from plants (oils and fatty acids) 50%
  • S.W. 1.1
  • pH 10.6

Crops: Seed Crops
Phenological stage: During the entire growing cycle
Foliar application dose g/hl: 250-500
Notes: Leaf blade washing

Litoman Ultra is never phytotoxic, even in the event of an excessive dose
Litoman Ultra can be mixed with most commonly used herbicides and pesticides, except those alkaline-reacting and mineral oils.
In sensitive crops, perform a preliminary test on several plants before carrying out more extensive applications


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