Power Sun


  • Reduced sensitivity to environmental stress: excessive sunlight
  • Formation of a natural protective barrier and increased mechanical strength
  • Readily assimilated zinc supply
  • Facilitates the synthesis of sugars and auxins
  • Increased nutrient efficiency: conveyance, modulated absorption and transport


  • Zinc (Zn), water-soluble 3%

S.W. 0.98
pH: 6.3

Crops: Stone and pome fruits
Fase Fenoligica: From fruit growth to veraison and ripening
Applications to the plant dose g/hl: 100-200

Crops: Citrus trees
Fase Fenoligica: From fruit growth to veraison and ripening
Applications to the plant dose g/hl: 100-200

Crops: Wine and table grapevines
Fase Fenoligica: From fruit growth to veraison and ripening
Applications to the plant dose g/hl: 100-200

Crops: Olive and hazel trees
Fase Fenoligica: From fruit growth to veraison and ripening
Applications to the plant dose g/hl: 100-200

Crops: Fruiting vegetables
Fase Fenoligica: From fruit growth to veraison and ripening
Applications to the plant dose g/hl: 100-150

Crops: Strawberries and small fruits
Fase Fenoligica: From fruit growth to veraison and ripening
Applications to the plant dose g/hl: 100-150

Crops: Tomatoes for industr
Fase Fenoligica: From pre-flowering 3rd-4th truss to veraison and ripening
Applications to the plant dose g/hl: 100-200

NOTES (Applications to the plant):

The dose is calculated based on a volume of spraying water of 8-10 hl/ha
Apply during the coolest hours of the day


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